A Message From Our New President
I’m pleased to announce that my father Colin, the founder of Ashdown and its president for the past 22 years, has retired and passed the baton to me as of October 1st, 2016. I and our entire team thank him for his many years of dedicated effort to Ashdown and wish him all the best for his retirement.
While there is a change in leadership, I want to assure you that our highest company priority will continue to be providing our clients with top quality products and services. Achieving 100% client satisfaction is our continued goal and I expect nothing less.
If you have had a positive experience with our company or a individual member of our exceptional team, I would be very appreciative if you would leave us a positive review on Google, Yelp and/or Facebook.
If your experience has not gone well, I hope you will let me know by calling or emailing me directly. Our phone number and a link to my email address is below. I will do everything possible to ensure we correct the situation.
Thank you for allowing us to continue to play a part in your organization’s success!
Richard Stearman
Phone: 508-476-3200
Email: richards@ashdowntech.com