Ashdown Technologies Blog

News & Blog: Don’t go sunbathing in a snow storm

Don’t go sunbathing in a snow storm

“Don’t go sunbathing in a snow storm.” Wise words indeed. If you want to go sunbathing, you have to work through the winter to save up the money (and vacation time) to go. That way, when summer is in full swing, you’ll have the resources to go sunbathing and get everything possible out of it.

A similar thought process applies to your website. If you have a seasonal business, then you want to make sure all your website updates and / or redesigns are done before your busy season. This assures your potential clients will get the most up to date information on your business, and are aware of all the great benefits doing business with you will bring them. I recently came across a site that still had a “first timer’s discount coupon” that expired in June of 2013. (?) As a “potential client”, the first thought that crossed my mind was “Wow, these guys must not be in business anymore”, and I moved on.


Contact Ashdown Technologies today for no cost / no obligation discussions on updating or revamping your site. “Make sure you rate…Be up to date!”

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